Chicago Westside Branch NAACP
Answering the call for equity on Chicago’s Westside
On behalf of the entire Chicago Westside Branch NAACP membership, I am pleased to introduce you to Chicago Westside Branch NAACP.
As I think about our Branch, I’d like to say it’s an honor to have the opportunity to serve as the President. I’m grateful to those past Presidents and Executive Board members who have worked and devoted personal resources to lend to the vision that makes the NAACP the nation’s oldest, largest and most widely recognized grassroots-based civil rights organization.
The Chicago Westside Branch NAACP evolved from a small group of concerned residents who were individually volunteering and serving in communities on Chicago’s Westside. They realized they were trapped in a vicious cycle. Each year they found themselves exerting substantial time on the similar issues with minimal results. CWB NAACP founders realized that by combining their efforts they could not only serve more residents on Chicago’s Westside but could also be more effective.
In a nation where people of color are, by design, disproportionately represented in impoverished, high crime, undereducated, and divested communities, the Chicago Westside Branch NAACP must fight for equality and an equitable distribution of resources in numerous areas. We have 17 standing committees that focus on specific areas of importance that include but are not limited to: housing, youth, criminal justice, veteran affairs, political action, education, environmental justice and so much more.
As part of our mission, the Chicago Westside Branch NAACP endeavors to recruit and organize a new generation of leaders—men and women who will be capable of shaping the future with vision, justice, and charity—with a sense of calling, with concern of our national mission which is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.
We pursue this challenge because it is an essential goal for any civil rights organization, but particularly for the Chicago Westside Branch NAACP, a branch willing and capable to be a voice for the voiceless and light for all.
We must tell our community’s story clearly, consistently and effectively. We must promote a positive and accurate image of those we serve. I invite you to join us, as a prospective member, sponsor, donor, or friend.
Best Regards,
Karl A. Brinson